
Earn-A-Bike Program

Unique opportunity to earn-a-bike through learning how to fix, ride, and become a cycling advocate.

BDP is dedicated to a community skill sharing instead of a classroom model. Participants will get both hands-on mechanic training and the opportunity to share the skills they bring with others.

Learn it - hands on bike repair -- learn how to ride a bike (adults and children) Earn it - project bike through time Fix it - fix up your own bike Ride it - ride it off the lot and explore the world around you.

We increase skills and confidence by teaching hands-on bike safety and repair lessons in culturally and linguistically appropriate methods.

If you already have this skills you can still earn-a-bike through learning advanced skills, teaching others, or something else.

At the end of your session you will be able to at least ______, ________, _______, and ______. And most importantly be connected to a group of people who are here to support you biking journey.

Summary of the process -- .

BDP Education Philosophy/Principals.

EAB Waiver Document

BDP Team 4 Open Seats

Session 1

Details about what you will learn

BDP Team 4 seats

Session 2

Details about what you will learn

BDP Team 4 seats

Session 3

Advance Skills that can be learned and practiced

BDP Team 4 seats

Session 4

Even more advanced skills and projects. Teaching others to demonstrate mastery.

BDP Team 4 seats

Leadership Ladder

Join the action team, lead a ride. Advocate at a community meeting.